CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2024

CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2024 - ARGENTINA - - 41 - Teresa Sacco, Public Accountant graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and recognized professional in the field of Coaching, has dedicated her career to the training and development of leaders in various organizations. With more than 20 years of experience and a solid academic background that includes an International Postgraduate Degree in Strategic Management and training in Negotiation at Harvard, she has managed to combine her accounting experience with avant-garde coaching techniques that have an impact on real cultural changes. She started her career in an accounting firm, continued in the multinational Pérez Companc, and finally became Administrative-Financial Manager in an automotive terminal. Currently, she works as an organizational consultant, training executives and managers in key areas such as Communication, Processes and Leadership. As a Master Professional Coach (MCC), the highest level awarded by the International Coach Federation (ICF-USA), Executive-Organizational and Political Coach, based on Systemic Coaching (Alain Cardon), she inspires leaders and organizations, promoting a positive change in the corporate culture through coaching, communication and the design of processes that impact on a transformation of the soul, at a personal and organizational level. As a teacher in recognized universities she expanded her focus on education obtaining certifications as MasterTrainer in NLP, Neuropsychoeducator, thus expanding her ability to positively influence the lives of students and professionals. She is a founding member of ICF Argentina and has actively participated in the development of coaching programs in non-profit organizations, being awarded in Atlanta, USA, for her work in coaching-volunteering. She has been recognized as an Academic Doctor Honoris Causa and Honorary Member of the International Academy of Diplomacy and the Professions. Her commitment to social coexistence and sustainable development has positioned her as an “Illustrious Woman of Argentina”. As an international speaker, she has lectured on leadership in a globalized world and has participated in numerous congresses in Argentina and other countries. Her work is also reflected in literature, authoring several chapters in books on coaching and personal development, which have achieved Best Seller status in North America and Europe. Coaching with purpose: Currently, Teresa Sacco states that her work in the organizational field, is based on Trust in the client and the process to be developed together with him. “It is very important for me to generate good challenges, which motivate to action and that once achieved, people and organizations can feel the satisfaction of having achieved the goal, considering that it is a process and that everyone does it in their own time”. Transformation: “I seek not only to generate visible changes, but also to foster an internal transformation that improves interpersonal relationships between leaders and employees, that fosters a healthier work climate, where employees feel valued and listened to, thus being able to reach their full potential. Organizational communication based on values, respect and empathy creates safe spaces that promote collaboration and improve performance”. CHALLENGE-ACTION-SATISFACTION AT YOUR TIME

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