CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - CHINA - - 76 - The Keystone Principle The Keystone Principle is the purpose behind our Vision, Mission and Values. At the heart of creating a Best Possible Relationship lies the Keystone Principle: In architecture, a keystone sits at the top of the arch, bridging the two sides, locking them together in stable equilibrium, and allowing the arch to bear weight. As the keystone settles over time, the arch becomes more stable. Without a keystone, the arch collapses. We founded Keystone: Leadership (Kaijang) in 1996 as a results-based consulting firm to enable (ambitious) progressive organizations to achieve business success and innovation. Leadership through Quality was the Concept, Continuous Improvement was the practice, and innovation was the mission. We believe that evolution is an infinite game, and sustainability was a long-term goal achieved over the past 27 years in Shanghai, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The founding partners believed that the value of adult development requires the overall understanding of underlying theory, practice and reflection to incorporate the evidence collected for more current practice for future innovation. Thus, knowledge and actions generate learning, practice, and new experiences so that outcomes meet global business challenges. “Leadership and coaching theories and practices are like fingerprints; everyone has them, and no two are alike.” Dr. William H. Mobley - Keystone History In 1998 Keystone became the Leadership Management International (LMI) China Master Licensee and introduced four Leadership Management Programs: Effective Personal Productivity, Effective Personal Leadership, Effective Motivational Leadership and Effective Strategy Leadership. These programs combined classroom leadership training modules with weekly individual and group coaching segments. The goal was to move students from knowledge to action by increasing retention and personal mastery. As a tribute to its sustainability, over the last 25 years, LMI China licensees have trained over 30,000 mid-level managers and over 2000 senior-level executives. As a testament to its effectiveness, an early graduate of the program joined LMI China and rose to become the leader of the organization. In 2009 Keystone, building upon 11 years of success, introduced the Evidence-Based Coaching Certification Program (EBC) from Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California to Shanghai, China. In the past 14

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