CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

successfully delivered quite big coaching projects including Huawei Coaching projects of “leadership and performance growth” for 4 years; Schaeffler project of transformation for 7 months; Amway project for “teaming and leadership” for 1 year; HIKvision projects for R&D team development for 2 years; Jingdong project of “teaming and leadership” for 2 years, Alibaba projects of “leadership and performance” for 2 years; SGMW (Car Company) transformation project for 2 years; PingAn group projects of “transformation and leadership” for 4 years etc. Angie has been the visiting lecturer in HK University ICB (Institute for China Business) since Year 2021 and teaches a 2-day coaching course - “Trust and Engagement”. Angie is a member of GBTC (go back to society) which is a welfare organization and donating more than RMB 100,000 & 300 coaching hours to support poor university students. Awards • Won the Outstanding Influential Corporate Coach Award in 2023 the 12th China Finance Summit (CFS) • Won the Outstanding Digital Innovation Person Award in 2023 the International Intelligent Manufacturing Festival • Won Industry influential Person Award in 2023 the 11st China Finance Summit (CFS) • Won Business Innovation Figures Award in 2021 Sci-Tech Innovation Festival (STIF) Angie has published two popular books of business coaching in China. The first one is <<Leaping Map of Performance>>, the 2nd one is <<Leaping Map of Team>>, total volume has been more than 38,000 copies. Angie is currently working on a 1st white paper of business coaching in China, and she is doing lots of live broadcast/papers/ collaborations to promote leadership on executive coaching in China, especially to support CEOs. She is also working on her 3rd book on leadership’s leaping map which is helping local business leaders to become a true transformer generating next business growth in China. CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - CHINA - - 73 -

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