CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

Angie He is an Executive Coach, development activist and entrepreneur. She joined in IBM in Year 1996 as trainee and worked for IBM until Year 2011. Her last job role was IBM cloud computing strategy manager of Great China Group. After that, she started her coaching life, and provided lots of coaching services. In past 12 years she has delivered 5500+ hours coaching which includes 2500 hours executive coaching and 3000+ hours team coaching to high management team. On May 23rd 2018, Angie became the 1st female MCC (master certified coach) by ICF (international coaching federation) in China mainland. She is now the Founder & CEO of Sunrising Coaching Company, which has 75+ professional business coaches. Over the last 11 years Angie has coached over 50 CEOs and her team coached more than 500 executives in China coming from top companies like Huawei, Amway, Colgate, Alibaba, Jindong, Ping An Group, Schaeffler, HiKvision etc. She also Angie He Qiao Founder & CEO of Sunrising Coaching Company CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - CHINA - - 72 - BUSINESS COACH OF THE YEAR

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