CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

Kyle works developmentally with clients to: • Enable leaders to identify personal bottlenecks and to evolve by making lasting positive changes. • Support transitioning leaders at various organizational levels. • Identify and leverage natural talents (Strengths) to accelerate a leader’s impact through optimized use of their strengths and creating depth in their strength bench. • Identification of negative patterns and support changing to more positive patterns. • Enable leaders to identify their leadership brand by increasing authenticity and their ability to leverage their “value proposition.” • Help leaders understand and articulate their “value proposition.” • Bring greater emotional intelligence to lead others effectively. • Increase team effectiveness by building trust, managing conflict, strong commitment, and accountability. • Aligning a leader’s work effort to what they value. • Increasing leader resilience by identifying and reducing stress, both at work and in their personal life. • Support C-suite leaders in development of organizational design (i.e. strategy, structure, processes, people, and rewards). • Assessing and aligning an organization’s culture. Kyle Moses PhD, MBA, PCC Founder and President of Revolution Solutions CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - USA - - 60 - LEADERSHIP COACHING SERVICE OF THE YEAR

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