CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - 35 - - UNITED KINGDOM - Personalised coaching is often cited as a key to leadership success. How do you tailor your coaching strategies to cater to the individual needs of each nurse or healthcare professional you work with? At Limitless Nurses, our personalised coaching begins with a comprehensive assessment to understand each healthcare professional’s unique strengths, skills, challenges, and aspirations. We tailor our curriculum to their specific needs, using diverse methods like one-on-one coaching, group facilitation and online short courses to accommodate different learning styles and busy schedules. Regular feedback ensures real-time strategy adjustments, while ongoing support through mentorship and resources facilitates sustained career growth. Our approach is holistic and customised, far removed from a one-size-fitsall solution, setting healthcare professionals up for unparalleled career success. As a woman at the forefront of executive coaching in the healthcare sector, have particular challenges or insights shaped your approach, especially when coaching other women in moving up the career ladder? Being a woman in healthcare executive coaching has profoundly influenced my approach. I understand the unique hurdles women and, more so, women from minority backgrounds face, such as gender pay gaps, lack of representation, and unconscious bias. This informs my targeted coaching on assertiveness, negotiation, communication and personal branding. I prioritise mentorship and role models, connecting aspiring female leaders with established professionals for guidance and inspiration. My coaching sessions are inclusive, judgment-free zones addressing work-life balance and societal pressures. Lastly, my coaching recognises intersectionality, tailored to meet diverse experiences and challenges faced by women, making it both inclusive and effective. Contact Limitless Nurses E: T: +44 07880691759 W: Social Media Beaulah M. Chizimba LinkedIn: beaulahmchizimba Twitter: beaulahchizimba Follow my contributions at Forbes Coaches Council: Beaulah-M-Chizimba-Founder- %7C-CEO-%7C-Leadership-CareerAdvancement-Coach-LimitlessNurses/4ef6765e-86e6-4c48-905ef6be32690266 Limitless Nurses LinkedIn: limitlessnurses Twitter: limitlessnurses

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