CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

Can you tell us about the development of your academy? At the end of March 2023 we will conclude the edition started in the last quarter of 2021, during which we trained 41 new business coaches. In the last quarter of 2022, we launched the new edition of the course and selected 30 candidates. In fact, it is important for us to select candidates by choosing from those who have applied to join. At the presentation there were about 160 people, of whom we received 67 applications and selected 30 to enrol in the course. The goal is not only to train them, but also to collaborate with them by sharing the increasingly numerous customers that we are able to acquire. Are there any recent client success stories that you can share with us? In fact, we have at least 130 success stories among our customers, because our method leads us to select only customers that we see from the beginning that we can help, and this leads us to always achieve interesting results. CEO of Business Coaching Italia Antonio Panico CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - ITALY - - 25 - BUSINESS COACH OF THE YEAR

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