CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

I am Antonio Panìco. I have gained great experience in the field of sales and marketing for national and international companies and I have held various positions in an important pharmaceutical multinational, passing in a short time from Informant to Training Manager. In the meantime I have studied and deepened topics such as self-help, leadership, persuasion, neuro-linguistic programming, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy, with a scientific and rigorous approach. In 2012 I started my business as the first business coach in Italy; no one before me had dedicated to this specific subject. Then in 2018 I founded Business Coaching Italia, of which I am the CEO, which is the first company in Italy to deal with coaching for companies in a specialised way. Today it is a company that helps hundreds of Italian companies to structure their businesses and improve them through proven scientific processes, with a staff of about 22 coaches. Business Coaching Italia is committed to spreading the culture of coaching and helping companies thrive. The other line of business is the academy where we train entrepreneurs, professionals and managers to become business coaches. The BCI Method, which I created, is the result of years of studies, research and direct experience in the field with hundreds of entrepreneurs, managers and professionals. The theoretical pillar upon which the BCI Method is based is the self-efficacy theory developed by Professor Albert Bandura – the father of cognitive psychology, who in 2016 was awarded the National Medal of Science of the United States by President Barack Obama for the contribution that his theories on social learning have made to the resolution of important national issues. The coaching techniques upon which the BCI Method is based aim to achieve progressive victories for the coachee. Gaining progressive successes means, for the client, seeing his self-efficacy increase step by step – that is, his feeling of being able to concretely solve the problems that grip him in everyday life as an entrepreneur or manager or freelancer. I am also the author of two books: ‘Inarrestabile – la via dell’autoefficacia verso il tuo sviluppo personale’ and ‘Coach ricco e Coach povero’, of which the second edition has just been released in Italy. CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - ITALY - - 24 -

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