CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

pre-arranged to accommodate pivotal company events. Each session revolves around the innovative Double Diamond Framework© of Executive Transitions and features the presentation of a dilemma or transition challenge, thoughtfully shared by one or two of the group members. Additionally, each participant enjoys an individual alignment call before embarking on the very first group session. These sessions are typically conducted face-to-face (virtual options available upon request), culminating with a congenial social lunch or dinner designed to facilitate peer networking. The location of these gatherings is meticulously tailored to the preferences of the client, taking place in their city of choice. One of the program’s most valuable aspects includes four one-on-one mentor coaching sessions per member, thoughtfully scheduled after each group session. These sessions are designed to deeply embed acquired knowledge and skillfully address the distinct and individual challenges that each member may encounter on their journey. How do you maintain confidentiality in such a setting? Within the group, our informationsharing ethos revolves around the bedrock principle of strict confidentiality. Each member will be required to formalise their commitment by signing a NonDisclosure Agreement (NDA). This proactive measure ensures the utmost integrity and safeguarding of the candid peer coaching conversations that take place within our trusted group. CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - GLOBAL - - 13 -

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