CEO Today - Executive Coaching Awards 2023

The lowest confidence intervals surfaced in assessing leadership quality, registering at 3.75 or a standard deviation of 0.96, in contrast to 0.58 for company performance and 0.66 for industry favourableness. This disparity highlights investors’ diminished confidence in appraising leadership quality. Effectively onboarding a CEO and minimising the risk of derailment are integral facets of what constitutes leadership quality. These findings provide a nexus linking financial investment decisions to companies and their executive transition processes. Another apparent benefit stems from the collective impact of a highperforming CEO, their leadership team, and the organisation. This synergy exudes confidence to the management board and investors alike. It underscores how better alignment between organisational strategy and cultural execution can elevate employee engagement and enhance overall business performance. Last but not least, successful CEO transitions serve as a springboard for engaging external stakeholders in a thoughtful manner. When examining the expectations of younger generations from organisations, it becomes evident that a lot of these factors are not merely ‘nice-to-haves’ but genuine ‘must-haves’. What does this award mean to you? To begin, I must express my genuine gratitude. Knowing that I am the only two-times winner of this award means a lot to me. And much like the recent acknowledgements as HR’s Most Influential Practitioner, winning the Outstanding Leadership Award or being named a 100 Most Iconic Coaching Leader, it is both a humbling and gratifying experience to witness one’s efforts being acknowledged. I extend my heartfelt gratitude for the award and anticipate cherishing it in the years ahead. Yet, it is essential to underscore that my truest reward lies in witnessing the flourishing of my coaching clients and their attainment of transformational results, often seen as insurmountable prior to our engagement. How do you measure success when it comes to coaching your clients? My coach training has ingrained a singular belief about the true measure of success. It hinges entirely CEO Today Executive Coaching Awards 2023 - GLOBAL - - 11 -

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